
Saturday, April 2, 2011

When I Grow up, I Want to be A……..

among the few passengers inside the jeepney i was riding last friday afternoon, my interest was piqued by two newly graduates.  the first one, a young girl with the iron-curled hair was busy staring at herself at the mirror, while the other one, a young boy, who i have learned later on to be her cousin, was telling their grandmother about his filling out a bio-data.

i was shocked to hear that neither of them was planning on pursuing college! the boy wanted to start job hunting right away but cannot be persuaded by his grandmother to take on the job offer to tend a vegetable stall in the far town of tanay. the pay’s little and the place too far from their home, he said.  he would rather work somewhere nearby and be home everyday.  i was waiting for the girl to say something about her plans but all i heard after was about the “inuman” to take place at their home that night.

this made me pensive on the rest of the ride home.  i was really being too idealistic to think that every high school graduate wants to pursue college.  life was also tough when me and my siblings went to school but it never crossed our minds to ever stop and abandon school, altogether.  are these kids speaking their parents’ minds as well?  is it really their wish to start working and ditch college or is it their parents’?

i do hope that they will also be blessed and presented with the same opportunities me and my siblings had.  i hope that they may not suffer the same fate as those who ended up having families at an early age.  life is hard and even harsh, at times.  but to those who are prepared to give a good fight, life seems to be not that difficult after all.

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