
Friday, August 20, 2010

mommy mita’s 60th birthday.

this is a belated post for my dear mother’s birthday.

this year’s celebration was poignant because this was my mama’s first birthday without her better half.  i think she’s more pensive because this year marked another milestone in her life.  despite all these, this woman is still very thankful of everything that has been, there is and will be in her life.  with my papa passing on, she believes that there’s more reason for her to live well because she’s the only one left for us, her children.

i’d like to this post to be a mini-tribute to the caring and strong-willed woman, i call my mama.  a breast cancer survivor of 11 years, my mother has sworn to offer her life to God’s greatness.  many lives have been enriched and touched because of this.  she has not only survived breast cancer, but has outlived her youngest sibling who was not as fortunate as she to have conquered the big c.  she had unselfishly taken care of my tita emma, her children included.  when my tita emma passed on, i cried much for her children but more so for my mother, whose grief seemed so deep. i know that my mama’s grief not only rested with the loss of a sibling but also with the uncertainty of her existence, her purpose. for a time, she seemed lost and aimless.  i could distinctly recall her saying 11 years back, that she survived breast cancer for a reason.  it was even more to being a mother to her children. she always spoke of the Lord’s mission for her to fulfill.  has she served her purpose with my tita emma’s passing on?  this made us even pray harder to the Lord.  my siblings and i kept on  imploring for God’s grace to bless her with more years ahead with us. 

of course, my mama is as flawed as any great mother in the world.  she has her own share of shortcomings which make her more unique and distinctly my own mama.  her penchant for cleanliness is one.  i could not fathom why she would rather spend an entire day or two, slaving over our laundry than sitting in front of tv or going somewhere else fun.  “it’s because i want your clothes well taken care of,” she would say.  it’s one of her quirks, yes, it is.  but it’s one of her personal barometers of how her children should be taken care of.

i’ve taken most of the afternoon off, two days ago, to prepare for a little birthday surprise. i knew she would be extra-lonely without my papa on her special day so i knew it meant a lot to her when i kept her company.

yes, my mama’s birthday was more sad than festive.  i guess neither of our birthdays will ever be the same without my papa.  but i’m confident that she has appreciated our warm thoughts and birthday greetings.

to the woman who remains steadfast in her love for the Lord and her family, a million thanks to you and our fervent prayers to your health and well being. 

happy 60th, ma! we love you dearly.

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