
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cleansing my Soul.

“new ways to fast this lenten season:
fast from anger and hatred.
give your family extra doses of love.
fast from judging others.
before making any judgment,
recall how Jesus overlooks your faults.
fast from discouragement.
hold on to Jesus’ promise that He has
a perfect plan for your life.
fast from complaining all the time.
when you find yourself complaining,
close your eyes and recall
the moments of joy
that Jesus keeps giving you.
fast from spending too much on useless things,
and give your savings to the poor!”
-         from alice canlas-avancena

a re-post from ms. deedee m. siytangco’s article, manila bulletin 20march2011.

a good reflection during this 2nd sunday of lent. Jesus is teaching us to free our hearts of hatred and judgment in order to create more room for love and understanding.

for it is only when we forgive do we liberate ourselves and allow our hearts to love unconditionally.

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