
Monday, January 17, 2011

Singapore, truly asia!

I should know better!  I shouldn’t have allowed myself to nap after I got to the hotel.  It was already almost 7pm when I was finally able to get up!  I still haven’t made any progress with my reading and I have to meet my cousin in a few minutes! What the heck! As I always say, once a crammer, always a crammer!

I was so happy to see my cousin though she was home just a month ago.  Honestly, I was really looking forward to spending time with her because she has recently lost her father and I just want to keep her company even for a week.

We took the train from the nearest station from my hotel.  As usual, I was not paying attention to the streets and keeping tabs of landmarks.  I wasn’t event taking photos! I was so busy chatting and catching up with my cousin to notice those things.  Since there’s so little time to visit places, my cousin brought me to Chinatown, little India, ion mall, and anywhere in between.  We walked where distance permits.  The food is cheap and very tasteful. 

I shopped for souvenirs and pasalubongs—and nothing else!  I really didn’t plan on buying anything for myself and I intend to keep my resolve!

I was really tired when I got back but managed to read five more pages.  Time to hit the sack.


I took the first flight to Singapore thinking that it’s to my advantage.  I want to finish my reading before dinner time today.  But since I was breezing through things weeks ago, I was dead-tired when I woke up this morning.  I managed a few pages while I was waiting to be boarded and while on flight.  I finally gave in to sleep after banging my head on the window twice. 

Singapore’s really nice and impressive.  I haven’t been to a lot of places but I cannot help but be amazed at this tiny country that is so clean, vibrant and swelling with progress.  I hope I can say the same for its people. 

City garden hotel will be my temporary home for the rest of the week.  I surfed the net for reviews and it only faired averagely. 

I’m heading out of Changi now, sated and full after checking in at McDonald’s.  I have to retrieve my luggage from the customer service desk because it got whisked away when I stalled after getting off board.  Why didn’t I think of checking my blackberry after I get past the immigration line?! Oh well!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And it still drizzles!

The week before I left for Singapore was so busy because of the major networking event that will take place at the last week of this month.  Preparations are now underway and are keeping the entire team occupied.

Today’s a Sunday but I’m at the office because I have to finish a pre-requisite online course for next week’s training.  The facilitators are now after me and my teammates because we are the only ones who haven’t complied with the requirement yet.  I cannot stay much longer than an hour or so because I still haven’t packed my suitcase.  There’s still that monstrous reading material which seems to nag me for not starting on it yet.  I hope I won’t be too tired to finish the material by the time I arrive at the hotel tomorrow after lunch.

The pressure is building up! There’s just too much to do!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

When it rains, it pours!

January is going to be super-busy with so much planned events at work.  Since I just joined my current team, I’m still learning the ropes and adjusting to my new responsibilities.

I didn’t even notice that the Christmas season flew by. my planned leave was bumped off by my upcoming trip/training to Singapore.  I hope to have personal time during the week-long course to do some sightseeing and bonding with my cousin who is now based there.

I just got the learning materials and they made me more anxious of the coming week.

I’ll try to keep a close count of my impression of the country, hopefully there’s time to do that.