
Saturday, October 2, 2010

family: support system you can rely on.

my family is again being tested for its strength and reliance on each other because of the recent diagnosis of my uncle’s condition.  he is my mother’s younger brother.  my daddy jessie, as we fondly call my uncle, is a big man with a boisterous and infectious laugh.  he has this weird sense of humour that we all so fond of.  however, we seldom hear that now because of his condition.

the physical examinations have been ongoing for a few months now but his condition has only become clearer recently.  there’s a huge change in his appearance because of sudden weight loss and change in stance.  he’s become less agile and often times resigned to bed.  this has taken a toll in his family.  mine feel the most of what they are going through now considering that we’ve been in the same situation barely a year ago.  my mother, who has taken upon herself to be at his brother’s aide and side all the time, is feeling so low lately.  she’s the same way when she took care of their youngest sibling six years back.

we all hope and pray to remain firm with resolve to stick with each other in this trying time.  daddy jessie and his family lent their shoulders when my family was struggling with my father’s passing on.  we hope to be their strength as well.  there is strength in number and family counts the most.

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