
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What kind of blogger are you?

1.   A big election that you care about is coming up.  Do you….
o       Pretend you don’t know who to vote for, so lots of people will post arguments for you to read?
o       Make fun of everyone running, event the person that you support?
o       Blog about actually voting, but that’s it?
·        Post lots of news links, covering all sides fairly equally?
o       Write up detailed analysis of debates, polls, demographics, and party platforms?
o       Blog about who your friends are voting for – and the conversations you’ve had?
2.   When you blog, do you link to other bloggers?
o       Yup, you like people who read your blog to know who your friends are.
o       Only if you're blogging about meeting them in real life.
o       Yes, to subtly make fun of them.
o       You link to specific posts all the time.
·        Sure, if they've said something particularly smart or insightful.
o       Hardly ever - unless they've blogged something about you.
3.   You like blogs that:
o       Link to your blog. Seriously.
o       Show you lots of cool new funny things and new links.
o       Have intelligent posts on what’s going on in the world today.
o       Are run by people you know.
o       That tell a good story of the blogger’s everyday life.
·        Have witty commentary on pop culture, the internet, or politics.
4.   People like your blog because…
o       You have insights they may have not thought of before
·        You have interesting day to day stories
o       You're the master / mistress of the virtual smackdown
o       You’re cute. Duh!
o       You’re a friend of theirs.
5.   How many topics do you usually blog about?
o       Depends - whatever cool things you on other blogs.
o       A few - usually stuff you and your friends are talking about.
o       You've got a half dozen pet subjects you know a great deal about.
·        One. Your lovely self.
o       You've got a few favorites, but anything you can write a funny post about is game.
o       Anything that happened in your life this week.
6.   Your biggest blogging pet peeve is:
o       Anonymous blogs that your friends may be hiding from you
o       Filler blog posts that are lacking in content
o       People who don't have enough interesting links in their posts
o       Bloggers who never share anything about themselves
·        Bloggers who play pretend nice with one another to get more traffic
o       Boring blogs about politics or news
7.   Finally, why do you blog?
·        To think out loud a little, and get opinions in return
o       To have a virtual diary of sorts
o       To get lots of traffic
o       To show your cool finds to people.
o       To keep in touch with your friends
o       For your own self-amusement, really

My choices revealed that I am a pundit blogger.  The official result was, “Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.  You're up on the latest news, and you have an interesting spin on things.
Of all the blogging types, you put the most thought and effort into your blog.  Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few.”

I cannot agree more with the result, that I put the most thought and effort into my blog.  This is the reason why I only have one blog at the moment.  But I do not claim that my blog is appreciated by many and surpassed by only a few.  I may not be that interesting to some, after all. ;-)

Credits to

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Christmas List.

I usually prepare my Christmas list at the onset of the month of November, but due to the untimely demise of my uncle and the first death anniversary of my father, I held off of doing so.  Whether it’s a blessing or not that I did not grow up with the “gift-giving tradition,” the fact still remains that I have to prepare my list and buy gifts for friends, family, and godchildren.

The latter part of this year is just plain crazy.  Christmas is just two weeks from now and I still haven’t gotten anything.  My list usually has the names of my “inaanaks,” friends from work, and family members.  This helps me to work within my set budget and to be oraganized.

There’s just little time to spare until the 25th and there’s still the Christmas dinner preparations at home to think about.  Chances are, I’ll end up buying odd things for my friends and colleagues at the office and giving out “aguinaldos” to my inaanaks!  But I couldn’t definitely escape the grocery-shopping for our Noche Buena and Christmas day lunch.


I just learned that I’ll be going with three of my colleagues from work, to Singapore on January 2011!  The news came as a surprise because I was not copied in the message/invite that my colleagues got the night before.  It was only when I got to the office the next day that I was informed of the official travel/training.

However, the excitement mellowed when I saw the required readings and pre-cursory online courses to take prior to our departure.  With the holidays looming around, challenges of my new role, and the preparations for the big networking event also in January, I can’t help but worry how little time I have in my hands to sort everything out.  Of course, there’s still that option not to go and just join the next batch, but I feel that I really have to take this course now.  Luckily, I’m not used to going on vacation during the holidays. 

Yes, I am tired and stressed out.  But truly, truly grateful, nonetheless!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The big move.

December 9 marked the beginning of a new phase in my career.  I have taken the opportunity to move to a different unit and to go beyond my comfort zone.  This opportunity will afford me a better pay, diversity in work, greater responsibility, and wider network.

Though, I have to admit that I’m really scared to my very core.  I guess this is how it feels to be in an unfamiliar place.  What keeps me still sane is the financial aspect of my new job.  That will always be my springboard and leverage.

I would really like to write and describe more my new responsibilities, fears, and apprehensions, but my better judgment dictates otherwise.  I will hold those off until I am fully immersed with my new role and new team.  I believe I owe them and myself that much.

Though, there’s still that ounce of doubt lingering in my head, I am confident that I have made the right decision.